Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Bernd Kunze and a wonderful lady from Vashon Island

Bonnie Shride, a native of Vashon Island, was a 1998 Jefferson Award winner known for her volunteer work in the community. Photo: P-I File

Bernd Kunze - and Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Bonnie Shride's contributions to her community made her an excellent choice for a 1998 state Jefferson Award.

She made the world a better place. Bonnie Shride was such an outstanding lady, very intelligent, always kind, very warm, understanding and so very helpful. Reading these articles I'm so very impressed especially when I was reading this:

For Bonnie Shride, the worst thing on Vashon happened when she was in eighth grade. One-third of her fellow students were of Japanese descent, and one day they were all gone, rounded up for internment during World War II. ``When I talked to my parents, they said it was because of the war. It was so unfair," Bonnie Shride recalled. She doesn't think such a thing could happen again: ``People know more now. We're more aware of everyone's rights."

What a statement! I sent this to Betty MacDonald's brilliant friend Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Monica Sone, author of Nisei Daughter.

Betty MacDonald described her as japanese girl Kimi in The Plague and I.

or this from the articles:

Another project dear to Bonnie Shride's heart is building a history museum on the island. ``All history has value," she said. ``If you know where you came from you can see if you're making any progress."

Bonnie, you are so right!
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed our phone calls.

Bonnie was always so patient and answered all my boring questions - even the silly ones and I had lots of them. She explained a lot about living on beautiful Vashon Island and shared her fascinating memories. Bonnie Shride was a classmate of Betty MacDonald's oldest daughter Anne and very close to the family.

Betty MacDonald once wrote: As soon as we think this is mine, that's for me, we are lost.

Dear Bonnie, to me it seems Betty described you.

You gave an example for a better life.

Bonnie, we''ll never forget you. You are always in our hearts.

Thanks a Million!

Wolfgang Hampel
Founder Betty MacDonald Fan Club & Society

Vita Magica

Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald forum  

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - Monica Sone - Wikipedia ( English )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( French )

Wolfgang Hampel in Florida State University 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel 

Betty MacDonald fan club interviews on CD/DVD

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club - The Stove and I 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund 

Read about life and work of wonderful Bonnie Shride!

Bonnie Shride, 1928-2007: Volunteer reached out a helping hand her entire life


Photo of Bonnie Shride